Chris Farley Secret Son Cripple And Broke

Chris Farley was higher than Cali’s gas prices when he collapsed and died in his Chicago penthouse apartment.  He’d just got done having a Charlie Sheen like bender with a cheap prostitute, and she apparently, forked his nuts off.  Hollyweird wasted little time honoring the Saturday Night Live comedic genius in a new documentary- I Am Chris Farley.  Just like Donnie Wahlberg’s (Wahlburgers) show didn’t mention his secret love child, neither will this revealing portrait.  Farley used his success to purchase unlimited morphine and cocaine.  Showbiz thodel, Josette Doyle, slobbed the sperm from his fat wittle pistol, and spit it in her vagina.  She was pregnant.  At first Chris was happy, but then, skeptical.


In the Sept. 19, 2005, issue of The ENQUIRER, ex-model Josette Doyle claimed her son – Sterling Farley Doyle, then age 8 – was conceived during a one-night stand with Chris in December 1996!

“We had both had a really bad day,” she recalled. “I said, ‘I hope your night gets better.’ And he said, ‘Well, why don’t you come help me make it better?’”

Chris Farley’s family is pretending to be unaware of the secret baby, because they don’t want to split his fortune with a stranger.  Baby Sterling has endured a poor and crippled life.  He had to have surgery on his legs.  His fibromyalgia isn’t as painful as his Ehlers- Danlos syndrome.

A representative for Chris’ brother Kevin told The ENQUIRER the family is not aware of Sterling’s existence.

“This is news to me,” the spokeswoman told The ENQUIRER on behalf of the documentary’s producer – adding, “Chris’ estate had no money.”

Did Chris Farley die broke like Ed McMahon?


It Gets Worse

One Thought to “Chris Farley Secret Son Cripple And Broke”

  1. The truth is weirder than fiction is.

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