Elementry Schools Get Army Tanks Not Tablets – Isis Challenge

It’s time to start worrying.  ISIS is threatening to blow us to smithereens.  Barack Obama is beginning to resemble Ellen Degeneres without makeup.  Are our kids safe at school?  Did we ever install the medal detectors in your child’s preschool?



NBC San Diego reports that the School police department has been granted permission to take the military vehicle, worth $733,000 in taxpayer money. The MRAP was designed to be used in war zones such as Iraq and Afghanistan to protect troops from improvised explosive devices.

SDUSD Police Capt. Joseph Florentino stated that the department intends to use the MRAP as a “Victim Rescue Vehicle,” claiming that the move does not represent a militarization of policing.

 “It’ll be designed for us to get into any hostile situation and pull kids out,” said Florentino. “We can fit about a full elementary class into the back of vehicle.”

Visit the comment section.  Kindly explain why an armor tank is needed to protect US kids.  Just, in case…what?  What are we preparing for?- TheFreeThoughtProject




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