Heir Scandals And Secrets

Money may not buy you happiness, but it can help you get away with molesting kids.  Robert H. Richards IV molested his daughter and infant son (according to a law suit filed filed by his ex-wife).  Tracy Richards walked away from the Dupont chemical company fortune  without hesitation.  Donna Burg was heart broken when her granddaughter said, “I don’t want daddy touching me anymore.”    He threatened the child, and forced her to “keep it a secret.”

Horrific: Robert Richards IV (left) accepted a plea deal over sexually abusing his daughter when she was 3-years-old, but his ex wife Tracy (right) has now accused him of also sexually assaulting their son

‘Richards was busted with 2 counts of 2nd degree child rape.  Each count carried a minimum sentence of 10 years.  Bob lives off his trust fund in a multi million dollar estate.  He immediately hired a team of superb lawyers.  Although he admitted to raping his own children, he only pleaded guilty to 1 count of fouth degree rape.  The charge carried no prison time, but he was sentenced to 8 years.  Oddly, the jail time was suspended.  Jan Jurden was paid off to conclude, “he wouldn’t fair well” behind bars.

He never did a day in jail.  There is a price on Judge Jan’s head, although Beau Biden defended her.  Tracy filed a civil lawsuit, but we all know a Gucci belt won’t ease the pain.  How many other heirs are victims of depression, post traumatic stress, and sexual awkwardness stemming from weird news like this?

It Gets Worse