Kristen Stewart Admits Whore Tendencies – Marie Claire Exclusive

Marie Claire - K Stew

“I really like being thrown into the unknown and then finding my way,” Kristen Stewart explained. “I don’t want to show someone something. I want people to watch me find something.”

She told Marie Claire that she “had no idea Twilight was going to be huge.”

“Dude, I have no idea what I’m doing, and that’s kind of what how I love it,” she said. “It’s fun not having so much control. It’s kind of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants lifestyle—it’s fun but it’s scary as f*ck.”

K-Stew has always had a weirdo swag.  Not only is she beautiful, and talented- she’s willing to you smash for a starring movie role.

“You don’t know who you will fall in love with. You just don’t,” she said. “You don’t control it. Some people have certain things, like, ‘That’s what I’m going for,’ and I have a subjective version of that. I don’t pressure myself…if you fall in love with someone, you want to own them—but really, why would you want that? You want them to be what you love. I’m much too young to even have an answer for that question.”

Robert Pattinson knows she’s a whore.

“I stand by every mistake I’ve ever made, so judge away,” she said.

“I have an embarrassing inability, seriously, of summoning fake energy…I’m just not very good on TV, and it’s not my main goal in life to get good at it,” she told the fashion mag. “People are like, ‘She can’t handle’—for a lack of a better word—‘the spotlight.’ No, actually, I can’t, and that’s totally who I am… so I totally agree when people say I’m, like, the most awkward person.”


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