Tiny Graves Cause Worst US Refinery Shutdown Of All Time

It’s a spooky story coming out of Vernal, Utah.  Donna Young is no environmentalist, or health specialist.  Newborn babies are overcrowding Rock Point Cemetery, and Donna is hiding in fear because she knows why.  American refinery workers are staging the biggest oil strike in U.S. history.  The same government that experimented on Africans with Ebola, is the same government that killed Noah Pozner at Sandy Hook, and again, in Pakistan.

Donna is a midwife who has coached over 100 pregnancies in 20 years.  Then precious Natalie was stillborn in May 2013.  Baby Natalie’s mom grieved, but leaned on her religion.

“Whatever is meant to be will be”, she said.  “It’s in God’s hands”.

While attending funeral services, Donna Young noticed several additional infant graves.  Shocked, and confused- Young discovered all the mothers carried their babies full term in Vernal.  Could the deaths be tied to the oil industry?  Are the deaths linked?  Is over 10 dead babies a mere coincidence in an oil dependent town of less than 30,000 people?  National Oceanic and Atmospheric specialist observed winter ozone layers spiked above Environmental Protection laws long ago.  Hell A Times Reports:

A 59-year-old mother of six, Young said that calling the newspaper isn’t her style, so instead, she contacted Joseph Shaffer, then director of the TriCounty Health Department.

Shaffer worried there might be something to Young’s concern: More than a dozen dead infants in one year seemed like a high number for such a small community, he said, no matter what the cause.

He called for a public meeting on the matter and a few dozen residents attended, including elected officials, physicians and the parents of one dead baby. After Shaffer mentioned that Young’s concerns prompted the meeting, many people treated her as an outcast. Doctors she knew from local hospitals scowled at her, she said.

The public attacks blindsided her. “I’m pro-oil,” she said amid tears, in the town’s modern brick-and-glass public library. “Two of my sons work in the industry. I want oil to be here, the economy to thrive.”

Half of Utah’s income stems from funding for oil, and gas research.  Since questioning the cause of the tiny graves publicly, Donna has received threatening phone calls.  Someone even tried to poison her cattle with Kardashian re-runs.  She should have never blabbed her soup coolers.  A doctor warned her about the  Illuminati “coming after you politically; they’re going to destroy you.”  Joseph Shaffer was so afraid, he resigned as health department director.  He’s been a Tri County Department member since 1978.  If there is no truth to Donna Young’s suspicions, why is air quality not up for discussion?  Why are oil workers really on strike?


It Gets Worse