Teenage Thots From Austria Join #Isis

Samra Kesinovic, 17, and her BFF, Sabina Selimovic, 15, thought it was cute to disobey their families.  The teens were on a thrill ride for excitement, and independence.  Europe was just too safe, and clean for the Austrian born tweens.  They ran away from home to join #Isis.  The parents were heart broken when they found a note stating, “Don’t look for us. We will serve Allah, and we will die for him.”

Social media accounts once owned by the teenage thots appeared to pop like Rihanna’s old Instagram.  Pics showed the kids smiling, throwing up the Westside, and using guns as accessories.  Terror encouraged the Hannah Montana fans.  The gangster life made their panties wet.

But…according to NYPost

authorities in Austria say it was all an elaborate plan set up by ISIS to persuade the world that the two wanted to be the poster girls for jihad in Syria.

Some of the images may have been faked, including some that were taken years earlier of other women and re-posted on the girls social-media pages, Austrian authorities said.

“It is clear that whoever is operating their pages it probably is not the girls and that they are being used for propaganda,” said one Austrian security official.

The teens apparently were lured to ISIS by propaganda preached at their local mosque.

Clerics told them that the only way to know true peace was to head to Syria and take part in the holy war, officials said.

Now they’re pregnant, and want to go home.

It Gets Worse