Guess Who Katie Holmes Is Dating Now

Meryl Streep will not relinquish her Hollyweird crown.  She soaks up every worthwhile , Oscar worthy, role in this town.  Instead of minding her own vintage business, she’s wasting time trying to hook Katie Holmes up with her Z-List kid.  Holmes is lonely, but not desperate.

While filming The Giver, Meryl fell in love with Katie.  She realized Katie was not just talented, but a spectacular mom.  After a few vodka shots, and a little contract manipulating- Streep pressured Katie to date her son, Henry Wolfe Gummer.  Coincidentally, he’s pursuing a singing and acting career in Los Angeles.

Will Katie Holmes reduce herself to dating a no name?  Did getting sexy with Jamie Foxx ruin her image?  Can you help us think of anyone taller than Tom Cruise, with his own successful career, who won’t force her to join Scientology?

It Gets Worse