About Us:


The Hollyweird Times is a vacation away from reality.  Welcome to one of the Web’s leading sources for celebrity gossip, news, and information. We’re just here to make you laugh at the pain. Your support helps us deliver a web party of pop culture rumors, and viral memes.

The Hollyweird Times is known as the place for people who want to keep abreast of the latest entertainment news, hood gossip, and all the hottest tea!  Celebrities themselves are our biggest fans!

We’re totally interested in partnerships and branding. Contact us- copyright@thehollyweirdtimes.com

It’s really beautiful here, and it never rains. It’s the Grade A Kush , and cheap wine that turns us into monsters. You should move here if you like up-to-date celebrity gossip, and juicy conspiracies. Stay Californicated.

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