Seinfeld Racist Michael Richards Is Back

Michael Richards was rehired after just 2 auditions, and going rogue  to ‘find himself’.  As many homeless potential stars are forced to live in their cars, this George Zimmerman ish  Emmy winner, snatched a potential slot for a fresh face.  There is no rehab for hate, so he took a vacation from Hollyweird.  Richards spent time avoiding the limelight in Connecticut, New York, and even Mexico.


Seinfeld’s, Kramer, is now  Kush puffing chauffeur, Frank Baxter, on “Kirstie” .  Can you believe he was forgiven so easily for his infamous N-word rant towards a black heckler at the Laugh Factory in 2006?


I (Irene Lacher) want to talk to you about the aftermath of the Laugh Factory event. A few days afterward, you apologized on “David Letterman” to everyone who took “the brunt of that anger and hate and rage.” Did you figure out where that came from?

Yeah, anger. When it gets the best of you, for me, as it was displayed, oh, my goodness, I said a lot of stupid things, didn’t I? So to be caught up in anger is not a good thing.

Re-watch the video, and let us know if you forgive him in the comments below.

It Gets Worse