Black Girl Tragic (Help Find Victoria Wright) #BringBackOurGirls

Nipsey’s murder has rekindled our Willie Lynch syndrome. We’re reluctant and afraid when our husbands, brothers, and sons leave the house. As the world intensifies their focus on #BlackBoyJoy, black females are disappearing at an alarming rate. Sadly, there is no national media coverage to document or find the missing Black Queens.

Stay Woke. Have you heard of Andreen Nicole McDonald from Texas? Her husband is being framed for her murder, although her deceased body has yet to be found. The military wife vanished in thin air. Victoria S. Wright was ripped from her family’s Portsmouth, Virginia porch in mid March. Nobody has seen the stunning 13 year old tween every since. Nearly 500,000 women have disappeared since 2018. More than half of these girls are Black or Mexican. Why is Donald Trump focused on the imaginary crisis at the border? Did you see the latest sheer dress Kim Kardashian wore?

Given the nation’s racist history, and social hierarchy- news outlets devalue brown, poor faces. However, the Sandy Hook Massacre and Parkland (Florida) shooting, were highly publicized. National Center For Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and Black and Missing Foundation (BAM) have decades of database with open cases. Margaret R. Dash went missing in 1974. Black girls are magical, but our missing don’t get the Elizabeth Smart Natalie Halloway coverage.

Missing kids were removed from milk cartons because it upset children during breakfast. As bloated as social media is, it doesn’t do enough to report on missing children, especially nappy headed ones. Do you think we’re being hunted for our organs? What happened to the African school girls kidnapped by Boko Hiram?

“The majority of these children most likely come from marginalized communities, and are primarily low-income people of color,” said Dr. Ronnie A. Dunn, an interim chief diversity & inclusion officer and associate professor of Urban Studies at Cleveland State University. 

It Gets Worse