Was Jim Carrey Aretha Tribute Offensive?

Jim Carrey’s image has been in rehab since convincing his ex, Cathriona White, to commit suicide. The actor is accused of giving her a luggage of STDs. Court documents, and text messages reveal a tormented young lady. When she told Jim she was infected, he viciously broke up with her. Although the Pet Detective is loaded, he still refuses to see a doctor.

Her suicide note made Carrey one of the most hated men in Hollywood!

“I am 27 years old and all that was left of me was a shell and a damaged one at that. Picking myself back up emotionally and mentally is one thing, people have bad experience and break-ups, it’s hard but with time they move on, meet someone new, start over. Add in disease. How does someone move on and meet someone new?

“I am damaged. I am discusting (sic) When I shower I feel sick. Getting turned on…what’s that? Certainly not something that happens (to) me any more. I will always be damaged goods and have a stigma attached. So I have to accept something I was always afraid of. Being alone. Being abandoned and alone.”

If Jim Carrey wants his fans’ forgiveness…wussup with him posting this pic of Aretha Franklin? Was he trying to make a funny? Or, are we being too sensitive?


Image result for jim carrey innocent face

It Gets Worse